Terrine | hreindýraterrine með fínu kampavíni – 90gr


þyngd: 90gr
fáanlegir litir: –
innihald:  20% pork fat, pork (origin France), poultry liver, shallots, egg, modified corn starch, 2% fine Champagne, salt, gelatine, sugar, garlic, pepper, nutmeg.

Terrine of deer with fine Champagne.
A specialty that we had to reveal to you! What is fine Champagne? It is a blend of eau-de-vie that comes from the premier cru Grande Champagne as well as an eau-de-vie coming straight from the second cru Petit Champagne. Thus the term “Fine Champagne” is a production made by all the Cognac houses. Don’t worry, our terrine will not make your head spin but do your taste buds!


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