Sápustykki á bandi | carrot & orange 120g


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þyngd: 120 gr.
ilm: carrot & orange – healthy glow effect

This soap on a rope in the vitamin-rich ‘Fruits and Vegetables’ range, comes with the fragrance of carrot & orange, with exfoliating orange luffa. Suitable for the body, face and hands.
The oily carrot macerate, rich in provitamin A and antioxidants, brings a healthy glow to your skin while maintaining its elasticity, and luffa exfoliant that rids the skin of impurities, helps stimulate blood circulation. Contains 97.503% ingredients of natural origin.

In a ‘zero waste’ approach, this soap is offered without packaging. Rest assured, soap is bactericidal so there is no risk of bacteria. Let’s all do something for the environment.



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