stærð: 19 cm, beads ø ± 3mm
fáanlegir litir: –
efni: gemstone beads and elastic
Lovely stretch bracelet made of round cut aquamarine beads.
Aquamarine has a calming effect on both body and mind. It enhances honesty, openness, tolerance, relaxation and joy. It improves communication and clear speech the transferring of knowledge, when speaking in front of an audience or classroom. Aquamarine is also supportive in meditation because it enhances spiritual growth, intuition and clairvoyance.
Physically, the stone has a cooling effect, balances the hormones and stimulates growth. It has a positive effect on the throat, thyroid and pituitary glands, eyes, teeth and jaw. Aquamarine can relieve a bad cough and bronchitis and skin diseases. It also restores the water balance in the body and calms oversensitive immune responses, like allergies (hay fever) and auto-immune diseases.*
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