Olive trees are the most symbolic trees of the Mediterranean and represent purity and wisdom. Tunisian craftsmen have understood this and preserved this savoir-faire, taking good care of these hundred-year-old trees and shaping the finest products. The hand carving of the sun-dried wood follows the veins of the tree; there is nothing more pure.
With industrialisation, the future of the fertile olive groves that shape the Tunisian landscapes was put into danger. Our supplier takes part in a preservation program launched by the Tunisian government; for every olive tree that is cut, a new one is planted. In that way we do not harm the amazing heritage of the Tunisian olive groves.
Við notum vafrakökur á vefsvæðinu til þess að tryggja bestu mögulegu upplifun notenda. Vafrakökur eru notaðar í margvíslegum tilgangi, þar á meðal til þess að bæta virkni vefsvæða, til greiningar og til að beina auglýsingum til markhópa. Lesa meira