Salvía | Sage smudge with juniper


stærð: ±11 x 3,5cm
fáanlegir litir: –
efni: white sage and juniper

Juniper ((Juniperus Communis) smudge is highly valued for its ability to awaken our spirit and dispel negative thoughts. Is also known for helping you connect with your intuition. This beautiful smudge herb is considered the greatest protector of spiritual energy and a driving force of harmony and serenity for our souls.
Cleansing with white sage (Salvia Apiana) smudge of people, living spaces and objects with smoke, is very effective and very popular in western countries. Energy therapists and body-workers are also increasingly discovering its beneficial effects.

Smudge bundles are a completely natural, ceremonial incense, which were and are burnt during rituals and ceremonies among indigenous peoples in the Americas.



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